The mayhem and madness continue in season three of this biting and uproarious adult animated comedy series. Wrapping up their “Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour,” Harley Quinn (Kaley Cuoco) and Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) return to Gotham as the new power couple of DC villainy. Along with their ragtag crew – King Shark (Ron Funches), Clayface (Alan Tudyk), Frank the Plant (JB Smoove) - "Harlivy... 光棍影院_独家高清无水印资源_不卡在线播放提供哈莉奎茵第三季在线观看资源包括西瓜影音百度云,觉得哈莉奎茵第三季这部影片不错的话,不要忘记分享噢